In conjunction with the show Et Si… by Rachid Ouramdane and Maxime Houot presented at Ballet Preljocaj on Jan. 26 & 27, 2024, Collectif Coin’s installation will be on view on Friday, Jan. 26 at the Amphithéâtre de la Manufacture.
With its row of lasers filling the space with beams of red light, Ataraxie explores the void of the unknown to question our ways of living.
Event co-produced with Le Ballet Preljocaj / Pavillon Noir CCN d’Aix-en-Provence and l’Amphithéâtre de la Manufacture d’Aix-en-Provence.
As part of its Une Rentrée Numérique programme, CHRONIQUES, in partnership with the Académie d’Aix-Marseille (DAAC and Inspection Académique en Arts Plastiques) and the Grenier à Sel d’Avignon, is organising a meeting between Miguel Chevalier and final-year students specialising in visual arts in the Bouches-du-Rhône region.
A live stream of the event will be posted on CHRONIQUES’s Youtube channel.
Students and teachers, don’t hesitate to tune in on your own or with your classes! There will be time for questions at the end of the artist’s presentation via the live chat.
You can also consult the following resources:
Joanie Lemercier studio
Joanie Lemercier’s work focuses on the projection of light in space and its influence on our perception.
With Constellations, the artist seeks to expand the possibilities of light as a medium by using fine drops of water as a support. The three-dimensional images thus created transport us to the centre of a black hole, then through the cosmos, planets and stars, to the very edge of the universe. Constellations its a fascinating journey in which Joanie Lemercier’s vectorial and monochromatic aesthetic dialogues with the electronic soundscapes of producer Paul Jebanasam.
Its presentation is part of the “J’Innove” event, a metropolitan event dedicated to innovation, organised by Aix-Marseille-Provence Métropole
Following the Biennial of Digital Imaginaries 2022 and as part of our annual programming, we are joining forces with the City of Aix-en-Provence to present Dernière minute, the immersive installation by Adrien M & Claire B.
This installation is a symbolic experience, conceived around the stretching of a minute – the one just before crossing the threshold, before dying or before being born. For 30 minutes, in a space bathed in video and music, this installation offers the chance to experience together the seesaw between a before and an after, a metamorphosis at the particle level of matter.
Claire Bardainne, visual artist, graphic designer and scenographer, and Adrien Mondot, multidisciplinary artist, computer scientist and juggler, founded the Adrien M & Claire B company in 2011, with several projects now touring internationally.
Adrien M & Claire B’s experience concludes with Résonance d’âmes.
Invited by the Maison internationale des écritures contemporaines (MéCA, Aix-en-Provence), poet, writer and slammer Marc Alexandre Oho Bambe, aka Capitaine Alexandre, puts his words and voice to Dernière minute, an elegy of love stronger than death.
Wednesday, October 11 to Saturday, November 11
Wednesday to Saturday, 3 pm to 7 pm
Free admission – on reservation
Program proposed as part of the Un Automne à l’Archevêché organisée par la Ville d’Aix-en-Provence event organized by the City of Aix-en-Provence.
Conception, direction artistique, images et scénographie : Claire Bardainne, Adrien Mondot
Composition et conception sonore : Olivier Mellano
Conception et développement informatique :Adrien Mondot, Loïs Drouglazet Régie générale : Jean-Marc Lanoë
Regard extérieur : Stéfanie James
Montage : Loïs Drouglazet, Jean-Marc Lanoë,Yannick Moréteau en alternance Remerciements à Paul Brossier et Pierre-Yves Mansour
Administration : Marek Vuiton, assisté de Mathis Guyetand Direction technique : Raphaël Guenot
Production et diffusion : Joanna Rieussec
Production : Margaux Fritsch, Delphine Teypaz, Juli Allard-Schaefer
Production :Adrien M & Claire B
Coproduction : Les Champs Libres, Rennes Théâtre-Sénart, Scène Nationale, Lieusaint Chaillot – Théâtre national de la Danse, Paris
Aide Fonds [SCAN] – Préfet de la région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes et Région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes DRAC Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes : plan de sauvegarde du spectacle vivant 2020-2021 Avec la participation du DICRéAM – Centre National du cinéma et de l’image animée
La compagnie Adrien M & Claire B est conventionnée par la DRAC Auvergne- Rhône-Alpes, par la Région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes et soutenue par la Ville de Lyon.
Crédits Résonances d’âme Alexandre Oho Bambe
CHRONIQUES takes you to the heart of Virtual and Augmented Reality for its first CLUB XR launch day!
Club XR is the meeting place for XR enthusiasts and those curious about virtual reality, augmented reality and mixed reality. Every three months, the club will be offering a series of highlights, including virtual reality experiences, exhibition design, digital creation workshops, discussions and meetings with artists and professionals.
Club XR will be open every Wednesday from 5.30pm to 7.30pm (except during school holidays).
MEDIALAB – Friche la Belle de Mai – 41 rue Jobin, 13003 Marseille
Launch day – Program :
Morning reserved for professionals:
Join us for a morning packed with presentations, discussions and interactive demonstrations, hosted by Charles Ayats, designer and mixed reality expert. Together, you’ll have the opportunity to explore the world of XR and a selection of interactive and contemplative experiences.
Places are limited. Detailed programme and registration at
Afternoon for all
Explore a selection of fun games and artistic experiences, and discover how virtual reality and augmented reality have transformed the way we create, learn and play.
From 2pm : Discover VR et AR experiences
5pm: Presentation of the Club XR programme and themed pitches by Charles Ayats (VR vs ecology, VR & video games, VR & museums…)
18h : Club XR aperitif