veille infinie


Immersive installation

Infinite Watchfulness is an immersive, video and plastic installation. It incorporates a virtual reality experience, a CGI short film, 3D animations conceived for various digital devices (a laser projector, holographic blocks, a LED panel) as well as several sculptures created thanks to computer assisted design and manufacturing.

Infinite Watchfulness is organized around the themes that structure the public debate concerning digital technologies today: the cognitive economy, the question of data sovereignty, the legality of attentional capture and profiling techniques.

Hyperconnection to global information networks has introduced a new normativity: we have the responsibility to be available at all times. In doing so, a time of our lives that is usually “unproductive”, the night, is nibbled away by utilitarian and commercial rationales.

Infinite Watchfulness shows how digital technologies have transformed our outlook regarding work, leisure and sexuality, under the effect of new constraints, inherent to the submission of our social relationships to computing.

© Donatien Aubert
© Donatien Aubert

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Donatien Aubert (FRA)

Donatien Aubert is an artist, researcher and author. He produces hybrid works questioning in a technocritical perspective the sources of digital cultures.

He is a graduate of the École nationale supérieure d’Arts de Paris-Cergy and of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of Sorbonne University (PhD in comparative literature) and was a researcher for three years at EnsadLab (the Laboratory of the École nationale supérieure des arts décoratifs).

He has been exhibited in several biennials (Némo, Chroniques) and his work has been presented internationally (Taipei, Kyoto, Moscow, Lausanne, and Esch Belval in 2022, in Luxembourg). He is the winner of the CNAP photographic commission “Image 3.0” in 2020. He is represented by the Odile Ouizeman Gallery in Paris.

He is published by Éditions Hermann (Vers une disparition programmatique d’Homo sapiens?, 2017) and has participated in scientific works, such as L’art de la mémoire et les images mentales (2018), by Éditions du Collège de France.

Credits & mentions

A co-production with the CHRONIQUES CRÉATIONS platform, supported by the DRAC Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, the Région Sud Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, the City of Marseille and the Institut Français in Paris, the 3 bis f – Centre d’arts contemporains, Némo, Biennale des Arts Numériques de la Région Île-de-France, and Le CENTQUATRE-PARIS