

Interactive Installation

Production CHRONIQUES 2018

Muted tells the story of two little girls placed in a shelter.

The human experience is central in this work and is conveyed through a parallel between the feeling of abandonment and the physical sensation of falling. We enter into an exploration of lost childhood through this fall, tinged with poetry and sensoriality.

Muted, Christophe Monchalin, Biennale of Digital Imagination 2018

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Christophe Monchalin (BEL)

Christophe Monchalin is a Brussels-based digital artist and motion designer. An engineer, graduating from the Mediterranean Institute for Study and Research in Software Engineering and Robotics in 2004, his use of digital forms tends towards the interactive arts and his artistic research towards the human being and human perception. His artistic method is enriched by diverse experiences: He is also pursuing studies in Chinese Medicine and graduated from the Beijing University of Chinese Medicine with a qualification in Acupuncture.


A creation by Christophe Monchalin
IT development: Christophe Monchalin, Gauthier Roumagne
Choreography and Interpretation: Léonore Guy, Maud Chapoutier
Graphics: Gauthier Roumagne, Christophe Monchalin
Illustration: Tomoko Yoshida 2D animation: Evelien de Roeck
Music: Yann Deval Voice: Léonore Guy

Created within the framework of Chroniques – production platform, supported by the South region. Coordination: Seconde Nature and ZINC

With the special support of Edis – endowment fund, Octobre Numérique and Le Liberté
With the support of the Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles
With the support of Wallonie-Bruxelles International
With the help of : La Maison des Cultures et de la Cohésion Sociale de Molenbeek-Saint-Jean, Le BRASS – Centre Culturel de Forest, La Maison du peuple, commune de St Gilles. The Brussels North Cultural Centre – Maison de la création.