afterimage for tomorrow


Virtual reality

A man wakes up in an unknown dimension of consciousness. What is it that he sees, hears and feels? Is it memory, virtual reality or terminal lucidity?

We perceive the world through eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body and mind. These sensory is stored as memory in words, pictures, sounds and moving images. With fractions of the transcribed memories, we are capable of returning to a specific point in time, which is an act of distortion and overlaying of time and space. However memories aren’t always reliable.

In Afterimage for Tomorrow, director Chen collaborates with choreographer Shu-Yi Chou to perform the ineffable in memories. This metafiction film sets in a futuristic world, where memories can be uploaded and perpetuated, thus leads to the discussion of what in life is worth storing. Persistence of Vision; when an object in rapid motion vanishes from sight, human brain creates a 0.1-0.4 seconds of optical illusion. How long will the images and memories we create today live in the future?

© Singing Chen
© Pierre Gondard
© Pierre Gondard

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Singing Chen (TWN)

Chen conveys his long-term social observation through documentaries and feature dramas. His approach of magical realism highlights the absurdity in reality, and points out the structural problem in the society. In his well constructed fast-paced works, he is capable of delivering subtle emotion and in-depth dynamics in characters.

Throughout time, his works are screened and nominated in Berlin Film Festival, Golden Horse Awards, Busan International Film Festival, Yamagata International Documentary Film Festival, Taipei Film Festival, Kaohsiung Film Festival, and Taiwan International Documentary Festival. Aside from being on set, he also produces scores for theater plays and films. Chen’s ability thus makes his work rich in rhythm and music.

Credits & mentions

This project is kindly supported by Taiwan Contemporary Culture Lab.